Saturday, August 23, 2008

Music Lessons For Your Young

If you are a parent of a young child, then now is the perfect time to introduce music. Some theories have even proven that if you play music to your baby while it is in the womb or when it is an infant then it will improve all types of things, such as their IQ and their motor skills. Before your child becomes impressionable through schooling and other children, you should introduce them to music while they still have such an open and fresh mind. For this purpose, music lessons are an asset. It is an effective way to help your child learn to play any type of instrument, and you might find out that your child is very gifted when it comes to the art of music. Figuring out where to begin with music lessons is usually the hardest step for parents. They are unsure which instrument to purchase for their child and they are unsure as to which teacher to choose or who might be safe for their child. It is first important to understand what happens in a typical lesson environment. The teacher, or experienced musician, helps share his or her expertise on the instrument with the student. During the lesson, the teacher observes the difficulties that the student might be having as well as noticing their strengths. The teacher will then introduce newer and harder concepts as the student progresses, which can only happen with practice and homework. One factor to keep in mind if you are considering music lessons is that they do require much more commitment both on your part and your child as opposed to cub scouts or dance lessons. This is due to the fact that most of the learning is your child’s responsibility. It is up to them how advanced they become with the instrument, and it is based on how often they practice. One thing that many children forget is that they are supposed to practice at home, not just with their teacher. Without the practice, your child’s progress will not excel and you will end up paying more money than you expected for the teacher’s time. You should also remember that this is supposed to be fun for a child. While practice does make perfect, never force your child to do something such as practice. While you should encourage it, forcing them only makes them dislike the instrument that much more. Their heart truly has to be in it in order for them to excel at the art. Usually, as your child gains confidence and starts to see how well they are doing with the instrument, then they will eventually become very passionate. Having them partake in music lessons not only gives them the confidence but it will help with their focus and concentration in school. Usually, children at the age of 7 and up will be the best candidates for music lessons because they already have a desire to learn, have great listening skills, and a willingness to practice. Younger children also advance well in music lessons, but it is more common if they are in a group environment that is slightly more playful. Starting your children young in a music class will help them gain a passion for the art and prepare them for regular music lessons when they are a little older. You can also have your own music time at home if you have younger children. Encourage them to sing silly songs, make home-made musical instruments, or even buy them a kid sized instrument. No matter what you decide to do, remember that music lessons will be a valuable investment towards your child’s future. You need to be prepared to commit to it just as they will so that you can make sure they attend the classes and are positive about practicing. With your guidance and patience, your child could be on their way to being the next musical genius.


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